Cocktail: The Highgate Cemetery
The Highgate Cemetery is Sacred’s twist on the Corpse Reviver No 2, a gin-based cocktail (bet you didn’t see that coming!)
To those of you who are not familiar with this particular tipple, the Corpse Reviver No 2 is one of a series of drinks originally devised in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as hangover cures. Most of these remedies seem to have fallen out of favour but the Corpse Reviver No 1 and in particular, the Corpse Reviver No 2, both of which appeared in Harry Craddock’s The Savoy Cocktail Book, first published in 1930, are still popular.
Craddock recommends that the Corpse Reviver No 1, which is cognac based, should be taken “before 11am or whenever extra steam is needed” but when it comes to the No 2, he cautions that “four of these taken in swift succession will unrevive the corpse again.” I don’t think anyone would argue with that.
I have to say, hangover or not, I don’t think knocking back a hefty measure of spirits first thing in the morning is ever really a very good idea and besides, anyone reading this is unlikely to be in need of a hair of the dog as I know that the good customers of Sacred are all firm believers in “drink less, drink better.” However, a little later in the day, at a slightly more appropriate hour – always a moveable feast – if you like your cocktails sharp and clean, a Corpse Reviver No 2 fits the bill nicely. And Sacred’s Highgate Cemetery (geddit?) is a delicious alternative.
Try making it for yourself or drop by Sacred at the Star and we’ll do all the work for you!
The Highgate Cemetery
Take a cocktail shaker and add a single measure each of Sacred Organic Gin, Sacred English Amber Vermouth, Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice & Italicus (Bergamot Liqueur) or other fine citrus liqueur (such as Cointreau). Add ice and shake hard. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, rinsed with absinthe and drop in a Maraschino cherry.